Sunday 17 May 2015

The Book that has Influenced me the Most (The Gita-Holy Book)

There are many books and books. In my opinion, books are the best friends of a man. I have read many books on different subjects. The knowledge of some of these books has become a part of my personality. But the book that has left a deep and everlasting impression on my thinking is ‘The Gita’. As a book of scripture, the Gita contains the greatest philosophy of life. It conveys to us the Gospel of hard work and honesty. It tells us that life is action, more action, still more action. It inspires us to proceed to our destination with single-minded devotion. It tells us that while proceeding to our destination, we should not be tempted by the side-attractions. The teachings of the Gita have given a new direction to my life. 

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