Sunday 1 November 2015


It is not life that matters. It is the courage that you bring to it is the cryptic sentence with which hugh walpde’s famous novel fortitude opens. And it is true. For what life without courage? What though our life be best with hardship and fortunes, trials and torments at every step, we should not lose heart. We should be neither daunted by failures nor dispirited by defeats, but ever march onward with unconquerable will and invincible courage. We should never say fall, for the failures are stepping stones to success. 

Blessed are those that fail, for they must succeed one day it is batter to tried at all. Not failure but low aim is crime says browning. you know that friends failure doesn't mean you are inferior. it does mean you are not perfect. failure doesn't mean you have wasted your life. it does mean you have reason to start afresh. failure doesn't mean god has abandoned you, it does mean god has a better idea. so be positive attitude in life.

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