Thursday 19 November 2015


From the Ancient time human body were covered their body with rags. Slowly & Steadily as the time passes different invention and discoveries were on the way for the better living of human bodies. Societies took its own time to adopt the new inventions and discoveries. The civilization started forming its own group of religion, sects and black & white etc. it was created by the seniors of the society and guided them to live happily. As we moved into 21st century new invention like internet, computer, social networking, mobile, email, chat etc.etc. 

When was the last time we closed our tabs and was relaxing. Listening to
the birds singing eat a pizza and small talk without being own chat network. It is a friendly and technology is very much in the space. Which was embedded itself in our lives that we do not spend that much time to have pleasure and leisure. 

We fail to enjoy the simple things because sometimes it is matter of angry with the comment on our photo or internet is failing. Meanwhile it is off the wonders happening there and we lost thinking that with the cellphone is winning. 

Friend run the routine break the rules and leave our connectivity off and on and do not go to enjoy a few moments of our own pleasure. The technology has made to give and apparent comfort not upto the complacency and leave stopped in time. A little face to face interaction can be better than a green ball in our chat. 

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