Friday 3 April 2015

~Believe In Yourself~

Doubt and worry tends to make oneself not believe in what they can accomplish or endure. So many wake up and face the day with dread and despair. They search for strength just to face the day or to face another predicament in their life.
I am here to tell you that you CAN find that inner strength. It is NOT hopeless and you are not alone. Reflect on the past instincts you used to survive through many troubled times. See your own strengths in your abilities and fighting power that is in your soul.
See yourself rising above all the pain and turmoil. Remind yourself that you are bigger than this and have so much life yet to live.
Surround yourself with positive people and atmospheres. Let this strengthen your spirit and raise your energy.
But most of all, believe in yourself. You have survived so many troubles in the past and found that inner flame to rekindle your spirit. Trust in yourself and your intuition. Let it guide you down the right path.

You are a strong person whether you know it or not. Rekindle that flame and continue finding the strength and motivation to stand tall and believe in yourself.

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