Friday 3 April 2015

~Negativity Has No Place In Your Life~

Life can be so hard at times. When you are stressed and alone, all you can see is the negative side of things. You are putting up with negative people, negative attitudes, and stress. But, when do you put a stop to it all and delete it from your life?
When you are single, no kids, and have a negative response coming from family members, do you allow those comments rule your life? Is there a time when to say, "enough is enough"?
You can't live your life to please other people. If you do what others want you to do and they be happy, then you are allowing yourself to be miserable. But, if it means cutting those negative people out of your life to be happy, then that is what you have to do. Your happiness is more important.
You have heard you can't please people all of the time. You have to be able to please yourself most of all. You are the one living your life, not them. So, why do you allow yourself to be so miserable? Do what makes you happy. It is you that has to live with it, not them.

You will never be accepted by everyone. That is just part of life. So, when negative friends or family is constantly interfering with your happiness, then you you decide to either limit or cut the negativity out. Surround yourself with positive thoughts and actions.

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