Saturday 21 March 2015

Vegetables are good for you.

Vegetables are packed full of healthy nutrients that are good for you. Vegetables contain: potassium, fiber, floate, vitamins A,E, and C. These nutrients help your body in many different ways. The nutrients from vegetables help to maintain blood pressure. Lowers your risk of heart disease. Helps to form healthy red blood cells. Helps to reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heat disease and type 2 diabetes.
Here is a list of some vegetables:
Celery, green beans,garlic,ginger, lettuce, mushrooms, onions,potatoes,turnips,sweet potatoes, pumpkin and peppers.
Here some more squash,bell peppers,black eye peas,radishes,cabbage,carrots,artichokes,asparagus,broccoli,lettuce, tomatoes, corn, beans,cauliflower. 

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