Sunday 20 December 2015

How to minimize risk of cancer in human body?

I am sharing with you about cancer disease.

1. Check out or examine your body before mirror if there is any mole/knot in the whole body.
2. If any , press gently to find out area or abnormality in the body  or around that particular knot or mole only then visit to specialist.
3. Avoid tobacoo , smoking because it is nearest  cause of cancer.  
4. Eat healthy balanced food daily at a particular times. Drink plenty of water.
5. Eat raw vegitable fruits and chewing them in the mouth.
6. Protect yourself from direct sun rays.
7. Avoid drinking alcohol or connected stimuli.
8. Ladies or female  should avoid alcohol to prevent breast cancer.

This my all suggestion successfully improve your body regulations against cancer disease.

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