Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Yoga, How It Helps in Loosing Overweight?

As I am getting older and I am putting on weight and sometime my activeness stop itself. As I was gaining weight I decided to consult a Yoga Teacher. Who asked me join the classes immediately? From the next morning I get up at 5.30 AM. And starts moving to yoga centre I  was asked few questions and given synopsis of yoga lecturer. The next day I joined regularly the yoga classes. After continuing for 15 days I put off the five to seven pounds weights. I also controlled my diet and taken all the meals at regular interval. I used to take nutritious food which consist of dry fruit simple loaf of bread (Two) prepared vegetables with garlic pearl, ginger (without onion). It is an ancient ayurveda recommended diet and exercise. In another 45 days I lost considerably good amount of weight. All the fatty muscle, thigh, belly and other fatty portion of the body renunciate itself. And another 2 months I start keeping activeness , running, brisk walking for longer distances. It helped me a lot. Anyone can loose weight by adopting ancient technique (Yoga).  It is recommended through out life and immunity will also rise itself.  

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